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Rules & Entry Info

The show is being held at the Jasper County Fair Grounds 2671 W. Clark St. Rensselaer, IN 47978.  The venue will open at 7:00 am and show will start at 8:00 am!     




* New for 2025 *LIMIT OF 2 MODELS With a $1.00 buy in for EACH ADDITIONAL MODEL


Tagging & Documentation:


*All Models must be tagged*

Tags will have the breed and gender on one side, and the models name and exhibitors' initials on the other. Please write legibly!!!


Documentation - collectability documentation is required for any model you wish to be judged for collectability.

 Breed documentation is encouraged for rare breeds or unusual colors.

All documentation must not be over 8.5" x 11" sheet, please no breed books on the table.



Note: In order to maintain a good pace, judges will only record the first 2 placings, you will need to keep track of any lower placings!


Each exhibitor will be assigned one table. All tables will be 6ft rectangular tables.​​


Each first and second place model equine will receive a NAN card, which qualifies the model to show at NAN 2025-2028. Models in breed classes will be shown as representatives of their chosen breed and will be judged on breed standards. They will receive green NAN "breed" cards. Models in Collectability classes will be judged on rarity and desirability to collectors and run concurrently with breed halter classes. They will receive yellow NAN "non-breed" cards. Models in Performance classes will receive pink NAN "performance" cards.  Please Note: Models which are non-equine (not horses) are not allowed to show per NAMHSA rules in any NAN-qualifying breed class. However, Pegasi, Unicorns, and Pegacorns may show in Fantasy workmanship (non-breed classes)


  • Exhibitors are limited to two (2) models per class. An exhibitor may show more than their designated 2 in a given class by placing $1.00 next to the additional model/models.

  • Please be careful around the show tables, sales tables, and tables of your fellow entrants. If you bump a table or otherwise interact with somebody else's models and damage is caused, you will be asked to pay for repair costs. Do not touch or move others' models without their permission.

  • Proxy Showing: you may have a proxy show your models, you will fill out the entry form 

​and make a note of the person who will be showing your models. You must pay the fee ($65.00) and submit the entry form for your models to be eligible to show!


Definition of Divisions:  OF (original finish) are models such as those manufactured by Breyer, Peter Stone, Hartland and Copper fox. They have not been altered in any way from the condition in which they were shipped from the factory. The only allowable change to OF models is that they may have been restored or repaired (ear tip rubs, etc.) to return them to their original condition if they were damaged. 


OF Collectability: Please make sure you have documentation (3x5 card is sufficient, or you may have more) of what it is that makes your model collectable. while our judges are very knowledgeable, it is unfair to expect them to know every variation for all manufacturers.


Customs: are plastic or China models which were "cold painted" by an artist. "Cold Painted" simply means it is not a custom-glazed China, which was fired in a kiln. Custom models may be simple repaints, or may have some or extensive repositioning, re-sculpting and may have had hair added. A repainted Starlight, Northlight, or Breyer Breeds of the World model would also show in this division.


Artist Resins: are models which are originally sold unpainted by a company or the sculpting artist, and then were painted by a finishing artist.  (sometimes the finishing and sculpting artists are the same) Artist resins may have been painted on the original sculpture, or customizing may have been done to the sculpture before the model was painted.



Performance: entries are limited to a Maximum of 18" x 30" for Over Fences & 24" x 30" for Stockwork. No footing or set ups are permitted in Huntseat Pleasure, Western Pleasure or Saddleseat. Entry should consist of Model, Tack & Rider (rider optional)

For performance classes, there will be a 10 min tack change in between classes to keep a good pace!



*Judges reserve the right to further divide or combine classes if they determine it is desirable to do so. 


All Judges' decisions are final. If you have questions about a placing, you are welcome to ask the judges at the end of the class in a constructive manner. If you do not agree with their reasoning, you are asked to accept the difference of opinion for the day.


  • Each section Grand & Reserve Champion will receive an award, Overall Division Champions will be awarded in divisions designated by bold print! 

  • Flat Ribbons/Paper Ribbons for each class 1st - 6th place.



Dark Horse Model Show 2025

Space is limited!!! Entries will be on a First Come First Serve basis!!  Please use the Entry form page to submit your entries. Please fill out the form COMPLETLY!  I WILL NOT TAKE ENTRIES VIA MY PERSONAL FB MESSENGER!




*********************  NO REFUNDS  ***************************


Donations are greatly appreciated!


Thank you so much for those of you who donate!!!



PAYMENT: $65.00 per table

PayPal Friends & Family to:

Check or Money Order to:
Christine Jefferson
8471N 1200W Demotte, IN 46310

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